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Is your business growing like crazy?  Do you feel overwhelmed with keeping track of everything?  It may be time to implement an ERP system to help you improve productivity, increase efficiencies, and streamline processes.  The 420MSP takes a moment to chat with Quantumleaf who provides an all-in-one cannabis business management platform that completely removes the need for multiple software platforms and spreadsheets.  Join us and learn the benefits of an ERP system.

Video Transcription

Harry Brelsford  0:03 

Hey 420MSP I am with one of our logos again, are actually first time. Quantumleaf gentlemen. Good day, how are you doing?


Quantumleaf  0:15 

Morning great, Harry, how are you? Morning? Pretty good. Good. Good. So I’ve been poking around your site, you’re kind of in the ERP bucket or see the sale as we kind of framed it up on the logo chart. The question is very simple. What is your story?


Yeah, great question. And Jonathan is actually the founder of Quantumleaf . So I’ll let him kind of kick off the backstory, and then we can add some color to it.


Harry Brelsford  0:43 

Okay, Jonathan, go. So started off as a small family business.


Quantumleaf  0:50 

Essentially, we started looking in the cannabis space, we saw there was definitely a need on the europei side. And we ended up working out with a indoor grow in the state of Washington, where that was our first install, and we recognized fairly quickly that there was a big need in terms of ease of use on the ERP. That’s why one of the things that we did was we built for the cultivation module we build out from scratch. Besides just bringing in all the functionality of your ERP, we want to make sure that it was easy enough to use so we get good data into the systems that way we can get good analytics out. So you know, from the cultivation module, that’s where we decided to build task management system. Essentially, we took all of the whiteboard and the spreadsheets and everything that we’re using, we built into one easy to use product, and then integrated that into acumatica ERP. So we had functional analytics that we could pull out of there.


Harry Brelsford  1:41 

And really cool.Continuous.What? Well, no, but a couple of questions. One is I see, I got the ERP thing down. And I also see have a relationship with the Accu matica.Friends of mine from the Seattle days. John Roscoe their CEO, I do consider a professional friend. Yeah, there he is. And he was head of the Microsoft partner program. As I like to say back in the day, that was the bucket I lived in. So super good guy. And I think that speaks highly of you that you’ve kind of teamed up with them. On the website, your website, there’scompliance software listed beneath the ERP software, what what is that?


Quantumleaf  2:32 

So we took the ERP software, and we integrated all the state compliance software that we need to integrate to the cannabis space. So metric leaf data, we have an integration for Health Canada as well. And that’s both on the Quantumleaf cultivation module and Acumatica.


Harry Brelsford  2:48 

Okay, and I’m gonna ask you a friendly question. But I I’m just curious, because of the fragmented nature of the technology supply chain, where in the state of Washington, they don’t allow vertical integration and ERP would lend itself to vertical integrations. But the state of Oregon does, I believe Canada does. Has that created challenges, opportunities, any any thoughts on that? And again, I’m just I’m just curious.


Quantumleaf  3:17 

That was one of the things that using Acumatic earpiece did help with, since this is a multi company solution, like in the state of California, where it would all be separate companies, but you may have a distribution license and a cultivation license and a manufacturing. So we set that up as separate companies in the system and be able to use it in all one integrated solution.


Harry Brelsford  3:36 

Oh, that’s okay. That’s a better answer for a Monday than I thought I would get from Yes, that’s no, you’ve actually increased my knowledge. So sort of, I’m a big dynamics user in a totally different realm. And we would probably call those separate instances, right. And I’ve done that when I have Company A and Company B, and they’re really not related. You just spin up an instance,.


Quantumleaf  4:03 

Some what we would keep it all on one instance, that’d be the login page. And then you can either have separate companies within that one instance, where you log into, or you could have won multiple tenants within that instance, when you log into an instance, you’d have a drop down of different tenants. And you could go into like that. So one example with these different tenants is if you’re a multi state operator, where every tenant might be a different state, because there’s different compliance or regulatory compliances in each state, and then within that state, you would have the breakdown of all your different companies, where you have all your different PnL breakdowns. And in all your inventory handled accordingly. You can just transfer everything around as you need to. Well, and the nice thing, yeah, just is the consolidation of these companies, right? That’s the that’s one of the keys that Acumatica does so well as to be able to consolidate that data across those companies. So you can get in a perfect view of what the entire enterprise is doing, versus you know, as well as those individual components.


Harry Brelsford  5:00 

Yeah, yeah, no good kickoff conversation. So when we come back to you next quarter, because we do like to go around the horn with the logos to see now we’re known I want to talk about events, I’m going to make a note I’m on your page, you do have a track record of going some of the industry events, especially when the events existed they are coming. Yeah, they are coming back. But I’ll make a note to talk to you guys about maybe what events you’re intending to attend the second half of the years, they come back online, what value do you get out of the events? yada, yada, yada. So they’ll know there’ll be our next chat gents.


Quantumleaf  5:42 

Great, that sounds good. here just to touch a touch back on what we were talking about from consolidation of organizations, I come from an SAP background similar to dynamics. And in that instance, you would you would you would spin up a new instance, that’s a completely separate company. And then you would try and create some intercompany transactions between the two, which was always a challenge. But it’s actually one of the reasons why we left Justin and I left SAP and moved to acumatica for the cannabis space specifically. So we focus on the cannabis and hemp industries, we don’t focus on whatever opportunity the day presents itself, right? We’re hyper focused on cannabis and hemp. And being able to consolidate companies and spin additional companies up as you know, the industry does and almost requires to a degree from a legal standpoint, it makes it super easy to do. All of the intercompany transactions are built into the database so that you don’t have to worry about connecting and doing all kinds of fun stuff, you had to do it in a another erp that’s not designed out of the box from from the ground up to be able to function in that way. So it’s it’s a huge differentiator in the ERP market, and really makes kind of what Jonathan said earlier, the ease of use. From a finance standpoint, the finance team makes it much easier to function. And that’s in that way than it does to function and multiple disparate databases. So that’s, that’s one of our key kind of temples, ease of use, and there’s multiple things to flesh out of that. Yeah. And I’m glad you added that, because three years, well, three and four years ago, I was an advisor, unpaid advisor to an ISP down in Southern California that had a erp system that they had developed for food distribution. So the warehouses the trucks, the this and that couple client names you’d recognize. And they thought they could just re skin there he ERP system for cannabis. And a it didn’t happen.Yeah, they decided to stick to the knitting and do what they do best. Totally different industry probably didn’t have the resources to commit to doing it. Right. SoJeff and Justin and Jonathan, I like the fact that you’re from the ground up because I get it. I mean, I’ve had that experience now.

Yes. And it’s it’s painful, not only for the operator or publisher, but also for kind of, like I said, the organization supplying the solution, because now you have disparate support teams, even sales teams, business management teams, analytical teams. It just, it doesn’t work as well as people like to say it does. And we’ve gone through those headaches and beat our heads against many of those walls. And that’s, that’s why Quantumleaf is what it is at this point, based on that experience.


Harry Brelsford  8:43 

All right, why do me a favor between now and next quarter when we’re going to talk about events, but if you have occasion to bump intoJohn Roscoe, please pass on my regards, super good guy over acumatica. Thank you.


Quantumleaf  8:58 

Yeah, yeah, we’ll do. All right. I’ll be actually I’ll be in the Acumatica summit. We’ll be there in July with those guys. And then we’ll be at the mjbizcon summit as well in the fall. All right.


Harry Brelsford  9:13 

That’s we’re gonna talk about next I’d make an a side note. Thanks. And have a great day.


Quantumleaf  9:19 

Thank you, sir.