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An NFT is a non-fungible token or a glorified jpg, depending on who you ask.  At a basic level, an NFT is a digital asset.  These NFTs link ownership to unique physical or digital items, such as works of art, real estate, music, or videos, and are sold over the internet like collectables for millions.   Harry Brelsford of The CannaTech Groups sits down with Kat Zommers to get a better understanding of NFT’s.

Video Transcription

Harry Brelsford 

Well, welcome to the Cannatech podcast. We’re back with cat zombies cat how’re you doing?

Katriana Zommers 

I’m doing delightful, delightful. How about you?

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah, ya know, doing good springs in the air. Um, let’s talk about a close cousin to the cannabis sector. There’s some overlap. And it’s also just an interesting topic, but you’re spending some time within f t. So what’s an NFT? What are you doing?

Katriana Zommers 

Absolutely. So an NF T is a non fungible token or a glorified jpg, depending on who you ask. But in a lot of ways, one of the great parts about NFTS is not so much the profile picture that comes with them or the art that comes with them. But the utility that it provides in a lot of ways NF T’s are like the internet, in that there are going to be scams, there are going to be bad ones. And then there are of course, ones with real life utility. And there are ones that, you know, create video games, create, create subscription services, create access to conferences, I’ve definitely been seeing a lot of really interesting utilization from free private jets to, to literally, you know, just a video game. So everybody’s running the gamut on NF T’s right now is what I’ve noticed.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah. Yeah. And what are you seeing you’re working with a few potential clients in the area? What would that look like?

Katriana Zommers 

Absolutely. So currently, I do full service social media marketing, for many different NFT projects. Previously, I’m no longer with them. But I did help cat botica which is a cat robot PFP Sell out 12,000 of their PFPs in 10 hours. So so we we basically juiced up their Twitter helped implement their strategy, like I said, no longer with them. But that was a great beginner. And then I also have worked with other travel NF T’s such as Elysium club, and then have also recently on boarded an NF T project called junkyard dogs, which focuses on long term utility for its clients through providing NFT basically free NF T’s by holding one that’s not listed for sale. So as long as you’re as long as you have purchased one of their NF T’s and it’s not listed for sale, you have the opportunity to receive tokens, where you can use them to create additional NF T’s for additional value. So there are a lot of really cool things going on in the sector. I’m onboarding new clients every day. I’m not at liberty to talk about any because, but, but definitely, it’s my agency has definitely been really sliding into that sector. And I’ve seen some really interesting, um, in the psychedelic sphere, which of course is not cannabis, but adjacent. We’ve been seeing some interesting NFT projects that are inspired by psychedelic art, and some interesting NFT projects that I know of that are definitely in the cannabis space as well. So so it’s really exciting to see how people are using utility through NF TS for their businesses, regardless of vertical.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah. Well, thanks for your contribution. We’ll see you next time and keep it safe. Have fun,

Katriana Zommers 

of course. Thank you