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Seiko best known for its watches has really diversified over the years.  From its original business of watches to a powerhouse in the microcomputer space (components, electronic components) and now thermal  print division the company’s manufacturing side has evolved.  With the evolution of the company it has decided to dive head first into the cannabis industry helping multiple ISVs and VARs with a brand new revenue stream.  We are joined by Rich Stebbins who shares with us Seikos evolution into the Cannabis Space.   

Video Transcription

Harry Brelsford  0:05 

A 420MSP we are with Rich from Saiko Good Good day rich How you doing?

Rich Stebbins  0:12 

Oh Harry How are you doing sir?

Harry Brelsford  0:14 

Good Hey, on behalf of Marijuana Venture Magazine, I want to just say congratulations that you made the chart for the Cannatech ecosystem chart and trust me we vetted a lot of logos and really made sure that they were the right fit not just in the old logo so once again congratulations for Seiko.

Rich Stebbins  0:36 

Thank you Harry and thank you very much for adding us to the Cannatech ecosystem stack we really appreciate it it really further validates and solidifies our position as a player in this space in the cannabis vertical so we are greatly appreciate it

Harry Brelsford  0:52 

yeah well let’s just jump right into it so Seiko and thinking watch in here we are talking about can attack so how does that happen? What What is seikos play

Rich Stebbins  1:02 

yeah well Seiko has been in business for a long long time. 139 years now creeping up on 140 actually and Yes you are right everybody thinks of you know when I introduced myself it’s like oh the watch guys you know Seiko that’s great well that’s that’s a big part of the overall revenue stream globally. But the company that we’ve diversified over the years into really kind of a powerhouse in the you know, the microcomputer space, you know, as far as a components, electronic components, now thermal printhead and then also what you’re used to or what we’ve introduced through RSPA is more of the thermal print division. So as the company the manufacturing side has evolved into that we’ve had a very good introduction through RSPA specific to the cannabis vertical and that started up we became a member right away we’ve been introduced airy through you by you also through Jim Roddy and Ashley Nagy to multiple different partners of ISVs and VARs in that cannabis vertical and we brought on several new partners as results we’ve got brand new revenue streams we’ve been very very active in the cannabis space you know pre pandemic of course we went to every regional show every national show whether walking or exhibiting and just getting to know everyone in that space and so we we feel like we’ve established ourselves pretty well we’ve got a lot more work to do, but things are going great.

Harry Brelsford  2:29 

Speaking of which, assuming all things equal with events so let’s make an assumption about in person events. But where might we see you in the latter part of 2021 maybe even have one or two on the books for 2022 Where can I bump into you?

Rich Stebbins  2:44 

Well, I don’t I think we’ll be walking the show Harry but mjbizcon is a big one on the books that’s looks like a still steaming full you know full steam ahead. Of course we’ve talked to you about various other you know, entrees various other shows things that you’re maybe sponsoring so we intend to be active I think this is just a temporary law I think when we get into November December certainly will be very active right now it’s a little bit quiet with everything with the resurgence of COVID and that’s down on a couple of trade shows too.

Harry Brelsford  3:18 

Now it’s it’s interesting because everybody says mjbizcon all the logos and talking to the influencers. I mean, we should have a reception on one of those sites just a logo reception. But hey, finally, what is your professional backgrounds that got you to where you’re at today?

Rich Stebbins  3:36 

Yeah, good question. So I’ve been in the in the market for years now. years ago, I was more on the reseller integrator side, so a value added reseller, working with various companies that resold product resold Epson printers for example and that is how I kind of went into the OEM manufacturer side I previous to Seiko, I worked for many years for Epson and then moved two years now really, I guess I think I just did my anniversary on the two year mark, moved over to Seiko to be more on the channel side and working with partners like you and rspa to promote our products through the channel.

Harry Brelsford  4:16 

All right, well, continued success and once again, on behalf of marijuana venture magazine, congrats on making the Canada tech ecosystem stack chart. Stay in touch.

Rich Stebbins  4:27 

Thank you, sir, we will thanks very appreciated.