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Businesses today handle large amounts of data, from customer data including payment information, to business and manufacturing data.   Holding this much data places a huge responsibility on businesses.  With much of the data stored being sensitive, and cyberattacks on the rise,  government agencies have placed rules/regulations and best practices on businesses.  Although, regulations vary from industry to industry compliance regulations are typically similar and play an enormous role in keeping your data safe.  We meet with Scott Bruck an expert on Cannabis Compliance as he shares his insight into the world Cannabis Compliance. 

Video Transcription

Harry Brelsford 

Hey 420MSP I am at mjbizcon 2021, after a year off with the pandemic, and I’m with Scott from Komplyd. How’re you doing, bro?

Scott Bruck 

I’m doing great. Thank

Harry Brelsford 

you. All right. So what is your story?

Scott Bruck 

Alright, so we are Komplyd We are from Silicon Valley in California. We are a b2b, middle tier cannabis compliance SAS platform. And what we do is, is we integrate on top of your track and trace systems to give you a single API, single common data model, and single way to integrate with every state we support. So for example, if you were trying to integrate with California, today, you would integrate with metric. Now if you want to do Illinois, you’d have to do a completely different integration with bio track. But if you integrate  with comply, you integrate with us once. And all you literally have to do is change the state in the URL of your API integration. And you now integrate with both states. And the same thing with weed data were integrated with them. And in Washington, and they go to Washington, again, just change URL. We take care of everything. And you turn this on the integration to track and trace systems. We have a rules engine, the guardrails that tell you when you do something wrong, that we don’t submit it to the states and you don’t get fined or worsening your license. Yeah. And on top of that, we have an extremely rich API that stores a lot of information. So it’s, it is really hard to get the information out of your tracking systems. They weren’t designed for that. Yeah, we’ve designed purpose base that you can actually get information out of our system. So if you needed a very quick audit log, you can just pull it from our API’s. Yeah.

Harry Brelsford

Yeah. So you’re you’re almost like a middleware global API that’s gluing it all together. Does that a fair assessment?

Scott Bruck 

Yeah. So if you want to look at analogy, we’re like, stripe is the payments or Twilio  messaging, we are for cannabis compliance, we are going to be a cannabis compliance infrastructure. But

Harry Brelsford

yeah, and I like coming from the MSP community of a large part of our audience. So I like to have a service. Paradigm hug. You’re right about that. I haven’t seen a lot of that in this space. So three co founders, compliance as a service, right. So

Scott Bruck 

all of my, my two co founders and myself, we come from launch companies like PayPal, eBay, Apple, and we’ve been building SAS platforms for the last nine years. So we wanted to build this around and it’s a SaaS platform, but what’s better than switching the s to C as a cannabis as a service, rather than software as a service? Yeah, yeah. Compliance.

Harry Brelsford 

A lot of services. Well, good luck to ya. And yeah, we’ll stay in touch this is right in the wheelhouse of our audience. Awesome.