James Tuff was named a leading CannaTech Influencer by Marijuana Venture Magazine and 420MSP. As a long time player in the Cannabis Industry (James entered the industry when it became legal in WA State), James goal is to help customers find solutions that work to help streamline and grow their businesses through a single platform. Watch this interview and learn more about James and his impacts in the Cannabis Industry.
Video Transcription
Harry Brelsford
Hey 420 MSP. I am here with someone I owe a big thank you to James tough out of the Seattle area. James before you say hello, let me paint the picture. But well over five years ago is I was coming out of a predictive analytics startup, you were kind of helping me understand the cannabis technology opportunity in the Seattle area. And the rest is history. So I thank you for encouraging me to get deeper into it and fly further. Now. How are you doing?
James Tuff
I’m doing well, Harry, thank you. You know, you and I go way back. You know, as you know, I’ve been in technology Sales and Marketing for 30 years. And, and you and I, you know, we go back. Yeah, we do. Yeah.
Harry Brelsford
Well, I, I want to congratulate you specific to today, I want to congratulate you the marijuana venture magazine, who I write for and my own organization 420. MSP James, we did a lot of research in 2021 to identify the top 200 Plus visible cannabis technology influencers globally. And you made the cut and easily easily made the cut. So congratulations. Fantastic. All right. Thank you. Appreciate it. You’ve already told us a little bit about yourself, you know, the the technology sales in different realms. And I’ve definitely interacted with you in that, in fact, the old infrastructure side of the equation. But how have you participated in the industry over these years? You’ve helped a couple of ISPs? I think you’ve been to some conferences, talk to me. Yeah. Well, you know, what, how have I participated in the industry? Be honest, I got involved in the industry. As soon as cannabis became legal in the state. Oh, wow.
James Tuff
I got engaged in and in the community and was working with some of the key thought leaders, David Ryan’s Oh, yeah. Yeah. So we, in David’s actually on my team now, and so we’re, I work still really closely with him. But, you know, we are focused on how do we engage and make cannabis businesses work better. With with the complete idea of, you’ve got retail, you got producers, you got processors, these businesses are operating as silos, there’s very little trust, what our mission and focuses is, how do we take all of these individual pieces of technology building, put them into a single platform, a cloud based platform, that people can actually work together, share information, do transactions, get reporting and be compliant? And that’s kind of what our focus has been? We started to dauntless. Gosh, I think in 2015 Yeah.Yeah. And we, and I gotta tell you, we’ve done very well, in the state of Washington. Our focus now is we’re growing and expanding into other other markets. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, you know, and just staying connected. You know, I’m always building new relationships.
Harry Brelsford
You’re, you’re, you’re an influencer? No question about it. I connector?
James Tuff
Well, you know, it’s, it’s in my nature, you know, I’m, I’m a hyper enthusiastic high energy guy who, who wants to make things happen. And you know, and ultimately, even more important is take care of customers. Um, customer centric, that’s what I do I focus in on,you know, if I can’t provide a solution that works, I’ll help you find a solution that that does. Yeah. You know, and really, what we’re about and what I’m trying to do or been working on for years, is building that single platform where all these different technologies can link in one single API connection. And they’re connected. Yeah, we, we call that giant which.
Harry Brelsford
Now I like it. I like it. Well, hey, before we go, named one or two shows that you go to you want to go to because when you’re an influencer, our audience wants to find where they might meet up with you.
James Tuff
Well, marijuana Adventures is obviously one. But Canna Con. We’ve done a lot of local events. And we are. We’re actually, interestingly enough doing some of our own events right now, where we’re bringing in the local leaders in the industry to really talk about what’s going on in your business. What do you need? what’s broken, not working? So we’re doing this ourselves. I like it. Yeah. You know what, it’s the closer you can get with customers, and really understand what’s what they need. That’s what we do. And that’s what we’re building. And that’s, so most of what we’re doing. This is local. Right now, we’re at a point where we think we’ve got the technology at a place where we could take this thing across the country
Harry Brelsford
Yeah, I’ll tell you what, I I’m gonna have to run but let’s get you back in early 2022 to talk about exactly that. So why different direction but again, congratulations, you sir, or I can attack it.
James Tuff
Harry, it’s good to see you. And thank you so much for inviting me and thank you for including me. All right. Take care of my friends.
Harry Brelsford
All right, talk to you soon. Bye bye.