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Mitch Pfeifer was nominated as a Leading CannaTech influencer in  Marijuana Venture Magazine.  Harry catch’s up with Mitch as he chats about his journey in Cannabis from Music, to Clothing, and even Data Analytics.  Watch as Mitch Pfeifer shares his Cannabis Business Journey, and what he has learned along the way.

Video Transcription

Harry Brelsford 

Hey gang back with one of our influencers Mitch Pfeifer how’re you doing today?

Mitch Pfeifer 

I’m doing all right man just getting after it. I’m not much of a morning person. But it’s been a packed morning so far.

Harry Brelsford 

There we go. First of all by congratulations, the research I did for Marijuana Venture Magazine, we discovered you and named you one of the leading Canna tech influencers. And that’s globally. So, first of all, congratulations.

Mitch Pfeifer 

Humbled. Thank you.

Harry Brelsford 

Second of all, what’s your story? I see you have a little bit of a back Big Data background in the cannabis industry. Let’s Let’s start. Let’s How did you get into cannabis? How do you get into technology?

Mitch Pfeifer 

Um, so I got into cannabis. You know, like a lot of people in high school as a consumer are very much involved with music and music and cannabis go hand in hand from the creation standpoint and the listening standpoint, I, I produced music for a long time, so very much around it in the recording studio environment, and was very much actively involved in the commerce of cannabis pre industry is the term I prefer. I know, there’s a variety of terms out there, but that’s my personal favorite. And, you know, I eventually started a clothing company and did events and we used a medical shops at the time to sell clothing and to promote our, our music, it was very tough to get into traditional clothing stores, but I know medical dispensaries at the time in Seattle, were more than happy to have people, you know, add some extra marketing and stuff. And so Greg found a great little in through that which kind of went into tandem with the commerce of cannabis at the time. And then once legalization happened, we had this platform, this media platform that we’ve been showing love to music and just content. And all of a sudden it was like this thing that we’ve been doing that we never talked about publicly to talk about on the phone, you know, so scared of telling anyone now all of a sudden, we’re like, hey, we can we can do the same thing we’ve been doing with everything else, we can just like add this in the queue. And it’s really been just taken off since then.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah. Specifically, what was the big data? The gig? Oh, analytics.

Mitch Pfeifer 

Yeah. So um, you know, like many things that I’d say my three biggest passions, or a couple of them, you know, music, cannabis, cannabis business. And then along with businesses marketing, I was doing some marketing work for some real estate guys. And these real estate guys were very tech savvy. And they were doing a lot of working with some partners in the data space. And like a lot of early investors or entries into the cannabis space, some of these real estate guys started putting some investments over there. And kind of some guys I work with, we got I got roped into this thing, I had this one friend that was a big data guy, one of the smartest guys I know, very heard and had been helping me with data just for us to make content make better decisions on content sales leads, he just use data for and you know, he looked at datasets, I had no understanding of like, how to scrape it and how to work it. But he could put it to put it together in ways that I can take actionable actionable insights on a marketing level. And so we use that in our content. And then in in real estate, some of the real estate work and then we took an entry they are they entered in the cannabis space. And I was just a project manager helping kind of taking the data making some actionable insights and putting together the team to execute some of the goals.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah, final question on that side is did you work with any of the dashboarding tools like Power BI or Tableau or cabana? To get visualizations?

Mitch Pfeifer 

Very much so I mean, again, me personally, I’m there’s not necessarily my realm. So I wasn’t necessary. I could, you know, I’m like, maybe 201 level of building dashboards, maybe maybe I hear myself sophomore level, but the guys I worked with, took amazingly large datasets and built some visualization. And, you know, I’m one of those people where I love numbers. I’m a numbers guy, a numbers guy, but sometimes if someone’s like, Hey, this is what this means is what this means. And then I can start seeing the patterns and be like, Okay, so we need to do this and that. And so yeah, definitely worked with Tableau and Power BI very, very familiar with those.

Harry Brelsford 

Cool, yeah, two great Seattle solutions, quite frankly. Final question, what’s the future hold? So you have your property respect my region comm Where are you going forward? What’s what’s up? What’s the future hold?

Mitch Pfeifer 

Yeah. So for us, we kind of have our, you know, three, our vision is to be this three headed monster, if you will, there’s kind of three different arms of the business. They’re all they’re all currently operating, but not on the on the main I guess, sorry. We have the the media publication, our platform, we’re playing to authentic content out on the internet. And then across all social media channels, some of its distributed across all some of its Taylor For each unique channel, and we throw events we work as a media partner. We have a newsletter, you know all the content on all the places, podcast all everything. And then one of the other heads of this monster is our agency where we work plug in the background and work with companies through strategy, consulting and execution in the marketing space. And then the other head of the monster the third head is some cannabis products. We have a CBD brand that we do e commerce with and then we are currently in the works of developing a couple products brands and collaborations on on the THC market in one or two states. All right,

Harry Brelsford 

well, once again, congratulations. Marijuana ventures Canna tech influencer list we’re gonna keep an eye on Yeah. Best of luck.

Mitch Pfeifer 

Awesome. Thank you very much.