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GUEST: Chuck Mains, Texas Government Affairs Consultant/Lobbyist

HOST: Harry Brelsford, The CannaTech Group


Harry Brelsford of the CannaTech Group sits down with Chuck Mains a Texas Government Affairs Consultant and Lobbyist to discuss the special sessions, hemp legalization, last session bill status and more.

Video Transcription

Harry Brelsford 

Welcome back to the Canna tech podcast. We are back with Chuck Mains a leading hemp lobbyist in the state of Texas. How’re you doing? Chuck?

Chuck Mains 

Good, Harry, how are you? Good,

Harry Brelsford 

good. So bring us up to date. The you were just telling me off camera that there were a series of special sessions. What are your bills didn’t cross the finish line give us the 411 ones?

Chuck Mains 

Well, so we we’ve had several special sessions this afternoon, which is pretty unusual, because you’ve, the governor can call us in for a special session at any time. But we we we got finished with the last one, three months ago. And we had to come back for redistricting. We knew we were going to come back for that one. But then it continued. We the governor just continued to add more. So as as I was talking to you earlier, we were the Capitol right now is is a slow place, because people are basically they’re just they’re just they’re tired. And yeah, need a break from each other. And that’s probably that’s probably a good thing. But if that house did just release interim assignments, so that we’ll start start to see some activity. But yeah, it’s it’s, it’s been it’s been a whirlwind. Yeah. And

Harry Brelsford 

we typically meet once every two years, right. You’re one of those states.

Chuck Mains 

We did. We do. Every, every odd number year from January until end of May. Yeah.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah. Interesting that yeah, you’re still you’re still pretty busy. Well, tell me about where we ended up with a cannabis or hemp legislation?

Chuck Mains 

Well, it’s hemp hemp legislation stayed status quo, which is a good thing, because there was a lot of there was a lot of aimed at taking taking parts of what we have done. Out. You know, we, as I’ve mentioned, before, we had we have a cleanup bill, that from the previous session, the framework, I guess, is the best way to call it that there were certain things that we did not get to. However, the the structure is in place and we’re the industry is doing is doing well. So that’s that’s a good thing. Yeah. We’ll work on the or work on on additions in more cleanup as as this next session.

Harry Brelsford 

Well, it really won’t be that long with you said odd numbered years. Well, your odd number years coming up pretty quick.

Chuck Mains 

You say that it’s it’s like with all these special sessions, it seems like okay, well, here’s your here’s the 18 month normal interim and well, we’re, we’re, we’re I in that that next regular session coming up again, and that you just get that people are gonna roll their eyes, but

Harry Brelsford 

yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Well, we’ll check in with you next quarter, and I appreciate the friendship. Yeah. Good to talk to you, Harry. All right.