GUEST: John Gunn, Adentro
HOST: Harry Brelsford, The CannaTech Group
Imagine being able to track products without a battery. Wiliot has developed a way to track items without a battery by harvesting energy from Bluetooth in the air, and using it to charge tiny chips that are actually printed on a label. This tiny chip could be a game changer for the Cannabis industry. From being able to measure product temperature as it moves from location to location, to tracking inventory in the office the options are endless . Harry Brelsford of The CannaTech Group sits down with John Gunn of Adentro to chat about this revolutionary new way to track products without the need for a battery.
Video Transcription
Harry Brelsford
Welcome back to the Cannatech podcast. We’re back with John Gunn. John, how you doing today?
John Gunn
Doing awesome, man, it has been a really amazing month for Well, actually the last 60 days, I guess that’s a, that’s a longer month. How you doing over there? Good,
Harry Brelsford
good? Well, let’s set let’s do some show and tell you had some things to show us.
John Gunn
Yeah, so um, I’ve been meeting for quite a while with a company called Wiliot. And they’re an IoT company that has some really crazy innovative ideas. And the most important concept in this is that imagine if you could actually track something but it doesn’t require a battery. So what they’re actually doing is they are harvesting energy from the Bluetooth in the air, and then charging up a little tiny chip that’s actually printed on a label. And then you can then thereby measure where something is whether it moved and what the temperature is. So if you need temperature control. So imagine if you will, that you could put these tags on all of your inventory, and you had all your all your various cannabis in the back, we always want to know where inventory is, and that it’s where it’s supposed to be. And so imagine if you could just look and say, Oh, yes, we do have some of that it’s in the back on shelf 23. Okay. And so it’s really straightforward. And it literally is a label, here’s the brand, so you can see it. Yeah. And it’s a little Bluetooth label. And this is on a simulated box, right to say this is where this is where my box of goods are. And it has an access point. This is called a bridge. And essentially, what this does is send energy waves through the air that are picked up by this and it charges it. And essentially what it’s got, it’s got a little thing called a pixel in it, that has like a figure eight antenna on it. And it harvests his energy from the air charged up little chip that says Hello, here I am, this is where I am, oh, I moved. Here’s the temperature. And it tells you all kinds of information. And they’re using it in retail, there’s really heavy test going on. And they’re using it for clothing. And they’re even in hospitals for tracking where the blood supply is things like that. But imagine if you could tell where all your inventory is in the cannabis industry. Okay, I think it’s a really powerful thing. So you kind of saturate your environment with with these little access points. And then they talks to Wi Fi, and then sends it through the cloud to your dashboard. So you can find out where it is. And then you could enable your sales reps to be able to say, hey, you know what, actually, we do have some of that it’s in the back, I’ll be right back and go right where it’s actually at. So to me, this is exciting. And right now it’s about a buck apiece for each one of these. But within a year, it’s going to be down to about 10 cents each. And they’re adding battery powered ones so that you can have you good traveling on a truck and be able to know where it is because it won’t need to be able to take and harvest the energy. It’ll have enough energy for the transit. Now we can get full view of everything within the ecosystem of our you know, farm to store, right?
Harry Brelsford
Yeah, yeah, no, I love it. The screen
John Gunn
and I got a test kit finally. And that was probably the most exciting box I’ve gotten for Christmas and like a very long time.
Harry Brelsford
Once a geek Oh is a geek as they say. Yeah, absolutely. All right, John. Well, we’ll see you next time. Thanks for your contribution.
John Gunn
Thank you. I’ll bring something new. Right