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Knowledge is key and providing online content in todays connected world can prove to be a driving force behind your business.    As business owners, you know that growing your small business can be a challenge, however, sharing content online can not only drive traffic to your site, but allow you to engage with potential customers by creating a buzz around your brand, and exposing you as a thought leader in the community.  Harry Brelsford of the CannaTech Group sits down with John Bachanov of Appspensary to chat about how you can take advantage of your knowledge to generate buzz and potential customers. 

Video Transcription

Harry Brelsford 

Hey, welcome back to the Canna tech podcast. We’re with John Buck enough. Did I get that last name? Right? I always don’t know where to put the emphasis.

John Bachanov 

It’s the Shawn off.

Harry Brelsford 

No Buchon off. See, look at me, man, look at me. So we’re talking about Spencer, you’re in the point of sale space. But I kind of want to talk more about the industry this time and, you know, start to weave you into the fabric of our being one of our analysts. You’re on LinkedIn, daily. What’s up with that? You’re, you’re constantly in my feed with relevant insights and posts on LinkedIn about the cannabis industry. What’s what’s motivating you there?

John Bachanov 

Well, you know, we’re a bootstrap company.

So you know, that’s just one of the tools that I can use to leverage, you know, my view into the cannabis world. So just staying connected to those high level individuals in the cannabis market and making sure that I’m getting in front of them, right. Being as small as we are, we just have to be explosive when it comes to our value. And, you know, just kind of being an interface when it comes to being on LinkedIn, and showing them how much value our business can provide for them.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah, yeah. Because what what you’re engaging in, and folks, I think I’ve said the term before, it’s a little bit like my past life with SB Nation. You know, back then it was called communities. Now, the new word of my past life as ecosystems, right? And you’re kind of engaging in this Venn diagram type behavior with overlaps, right? I read your post. And you’re, you’re an influencer. You’re driving traffic. And it’s now the academic community has what what I did a generation ago. And to some extent, you’re engaging in this community led development. Right? So you’re, you’re not necessarily leading with product led development or partner led development, but you’re, you’re kind of doing community led development to hopefully benefit your business. I mean, that’s entirely fair. Your community guys. So what are some of the recent observations you had? I should go up to your LinkedIn profile at any one or two things standing out. I mean, and maybe not just what your posts were, what are you hearing? I mean, are people talking about the five states we have an election coming up, folks, this will be posted after the election, but honestly, mention we’re recording on November 1, there’s five states like North and South Dakota, and so on. Are you seeing that conversation up on LinkedIn about the five and who’s gonna pop?

John Bachanov 

Well, slightly,

that’s more down the road, but it’s kind of coming in fresh, but beforehand, I’m seeing things on the nature of Mississippi there, you know, cannabis has been in the ground. It’s kind of, you know, going to retail now over

Harry Brelsford 

there. There’s,

John Bachanov 

we’re seeing that we’re seeing the, you know, Georgia is likely seems that those are those are rolling Q over there in Georgia. So I’ve seen that and everybody has that. That grand, grand anticipation for the, for the New York rollout, right. That’s like the Mecca on the east coast. So

everybody’s excited about that as well. And New Jersey just up and running. So you know, beginning kind of the kind of straightening things out over New Jersey right now, too.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah, let me ask your opinion, with mixed signals about the economy. In the US in particular. And I say mixed signals job because, you know, today there was news, the September jobs report was very strong. Tomorrow, there could be news, something bad happened. So it’s it’s not this one’s not entirely clear where we’re headed. Economically, do you have an opinion on the recession resilience of the cannabis sector? Do you think we have resilience regardless of what happens?

John Bachanov 

That’s a great question. What I predict in the Canvas segment is essentially that we’re going to have the labor shortage what we’re seeing across all vertical. So I think that we’re going to see more. I see more efficient dispensaries that can operate with the least amount of employees as possible. We’re gonna see as much automation across the supply chain. We’re seeing a lot of that.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah, yeah. Well, I’ll tell you what, we’re good. going to talk to you next quarter. Okay, so we’re, we’re gonna get you in the loop and hear what keep your ears open as to what’s going on. Where can people find out more about your company? So let’s little shout out tap suspensory.

John Bachanov 

Appreciate it. So read the new dot app spend They can also find a link in my first name, last name. They also look up the business page on when we are attending the mjbizcon here in the next within the next few weeks, and we’ll be over there. Seeing all our partners.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah. All right, John. I’m looking forward to seeing you there. So thank you, sir.

John Bachanov 

Absolutely. Thank you, Harry. Appreciate your time. Yep. Hopefully Take care.