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Election predictions for the cannabis sector

Cannabis legalization goes up for a vote on November 8th for 5 states.  Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, and North Dakota citizens will vote on the legalization and sale for adult use, while South Dakota asks whether possession of cannabis should be legal for adults but...

Wireless Networks at the Grow Level

The cannabis industry is a huge industry with an estimated global value of 27.7 billion USD and growing daily.  With the industry expanding into other industries many cannabis businesses are turning to technology to help drive growth, increase safety and security, as...

Emerging Cannabis Technologies

With the cannabis industry always changing and many thinking ahead to the future the cannabis industry is powering outside-the-box innovation.  From digital dispensary menus to payment apps, and more the power of technology in the cannabis industry is endless.  Harry...

Future of Hemp in Europe

European hemp cultivation has substantially increased over the last several years and is anticipated to continue to grow with their opened minded government.    With conferences expanding, the government looking into economic benefits with hemp and medical cannabis,...

Building a Brand through Marketing

The cannabis industry continues to grow at an alarming rate.  With new businesses, and products popping up daily it is more important then ever to focus on your brand.  From consumer packaging, online marketing, consumer electronic marketing, trade marketing and more...